Tag: Truth

  • Toxic Personalities

    Toxic personalities are not fictional. They exist. While conventional wisdom recommends that you distance yourself as quickly as possible from these potentially volatile individuals, it isn’t always that easy. We may think toxic people are easily identifiable but, because toxicity levels vary, it can be tricky navigating around or through their sphere of influence. Someone…

  • The Service Industry No Longer Provides Good Service

    I am not invisible, and I shouldn’t be treated as if I am. Generally, I focus my blog on fascinating facts, fun stories, or personal insights. Hence my tag line: fascinating, fun, and a little Foppi… that’s me. However, today I feel compelled to lodge a complaint against the service industry which seems to have…

  • Happiness

    Happiness is relative. My usual “state of being” is this: I’m not “not happy”… double negative… this is supposed to produce a positive effect. Har de har. As with enthusiasm, my happiness comes in short bursts these days. I definitely don’t “reside” in a state of blissfulness it’s more like a continuum of emotion depending…