Category: Uncategorized

  • Love is a Gift

    Wow, I cannot believe it is February already. Just eleven months until Christmas. I meant to start my 2020 “blog year” earlier but that clearly did not happen. So, here we are… almost into the sixth week of the new year with Valentine’s Day fast approaching. In deference to the lovers’ holiday I thought I…

  • The Perfect Day

    I have had the privilege of enjoying “the perfect day.” By my definition, a perfect day is one where nothing goes wrong… there is no bad news, no broken parts, no drama, no conflict or arguments. Just peaceful existence spent exactly the way you like. Unique to each individual, your perfect day could be spent…

  • Tick-Tock, Revisited

    Tick, tock, tick, tock… the time to “fall back” is here… daylight-saving ends Sunday, November 3rd (today)*. Having previously shared with you the history and so-called rationale behind the practice, I thought I would provide an update to my research. Although federal law will allow a state to opt out of Daylight-Saving Time, to remain…

  • Lakeview or Beachfront

    Dog or cat? People generally fall on one side of the fence or the other, not both. Although, interestingly, a dog owner would be open to also owning a cat; whereas, 68% of cat owners would never own a dog. Certain pattern personality traits have been associated with these two groups. For example, cat people…

  • Not the Noose Around Your Neck

    The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed September 27 to be National Scarf Day! Scarves have been around for …well, when haven’t they been around? Scarves are functional, fashionable, and versatile. They can be worn/wrapped around the neck, waist, or head. They can be used to decorate your home or adorn your handbag. I love…

  • we dare?

    If everyone has their own reality, what is truth? Is truth subjective based on an individual’s personal understanding, experience, or feelings?  If each person has his or her own truth, does that make them dishonest? Untrustworthy? Delusional? Because it is “their truth,” are we obligated to buy into it? Well, no… but that’s the easy…

  • Being Trite

    Not fresh or original. Lack of effectiveness due to excessive repetition. I am, by my own admission, a repeater. My dad told me, more than once, that repetition is the cornerstone to learning. The more you repeat something the more likely you are to remember it. Apparently, I took this to heart and made it…

  • The Service Industry No Longer Provides Good Service

    I am not invisible, and I shouldn’t be treated as if I am. Generally, I focus my blog on fascinating facts, fun stories, or personal insights. Hence my tag line: fascinating, fun, and a little Foppi… that’s me. However, today I feel compelled to lodge a complaint against the service industry which seems to have…

  • The Power of Napping

    Did you know there are three stages to napping? A 60 to 90-minute nap will allow REM sleep to occur. Whereas a 30 to 60-minute nap will produce a slow-wave sleep. But I’m going to focus on the power nap. What constitutes a power nap? A power nap lasts between ten to 30-minutes. While I…

  • Fluorescent Lighting… Good or bad? You Decide

    Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance which absorbed electromagnetic radiation (simplified definition). Florescence, a form of luminescence, had been observed long before it was understood with the first documented explanation written in 1852 by an Irish scientist named Sir George Stokes. Although experimental testing continued under the supervision of some brilliant scientists,…