Category: Love

  • Blessings

    Here we are again…Thanksgiving.  The holiday traditionally spent with family and friends.  Overeating beyond stretched waistbands and popped buttons to a full-on food comatose state of absolute bliss. Only this year the gatherings may be smaller as we try to navigate a second wave in the pandemic.  That, at least, will be the case for…

  • My Father’s Footprint

    In a world with a population of 7.8 billion people, where do I fit in?  Do I even matter?  What I do? What I say?  Does anyone listen? Does anyone care?  I am more than confident that almost everyone has, at some point, had these questions run through their mind, including my father.  Although, to…

  • Love is a Gift

    Wow, I cannot believe it is February already. Just eleven months until Christmas. I meant to start my 2020 “blog year” earlier but that clearly did not happen. So, here we are… almost into the sixth week of the new year with Valentine’s Day fast approaching. In deference to the lovers’ holiday I thought I…

  • Happy Not Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s Day is steeped in history.  The day of romance actually dates back to the 5th century and has traces in both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.  Some of the stories associated with its history include pagan fertility festivals, birds’ mating season, and a priest named Valentine who defied Emperor Claudius II’s ban on marriage…

  • I Love Women

    I am IN LOVE with one man but I love many remarkable women. I am what some, including myself, would label a “woman’s woman.” I do not have many male friends and those I do consider as such I know by way of introduction through my husband. Honestly I find it difficult and, sometimes, frustrating…

  • The Happy

    My sister and I tumbled into the practice of “The Happy” decades ago.  Some of you already know what this terminology means but for those of you who require further edification, “the happy” is a small token of affection which you, the benefactor, present to the receiver for no particular reason.  Of course there is…

  • Love, Part 6

    All good things must come to an end and this post concludes my informal exchange of ideas regarding “Love.”  In this final installment I will be focusing on spousal love.  The love between a husband and his wife should have no end but run continuous… in a circle.  This love, theoretically, cannot be broken.  In…

  • Love, Part 5

    In this fifth installment of “Love” the series, I will be concentrating on friendship but before I begin I would like to define, at least for purposes of this article, what that means. It is the deep affection and tenderness shared between two (or more) individuals not related by bloodline or romantic involvement. I acknowledge…

  • Love, Part 4

    As I move through my exploration of this seemingly complex, yet diaphanous topic, I will now focus on the love between siblings. Sibling love has the distinct characteristic of being perpendicular meaning linear at right angles that always intersect. So if you have two or more lines running perpendicular to each other they always cross…

  • Love, Part 3

    Today I will ease back into my six part series on LOVE by focusing on the love that flows from child-to-parent. This “love” can sometimes be a bit tricky. Why? Well, first, it is the only “love” that flows “upstream” which, in Salmon-speak, can be a bit of a battle. And, while the love from…