My favorite GOT (“Game of Thrones”) quote.  Love it… say it all the time!  But in this case, it’s also true.  Winter officially begins in less than a month.  December 21st to be exact.  The beginning of the Yuletide season.    I usually dread winter but this year I’ve decided to take a more open approach.  To change my perspective.  To embrace the shorter days and, yes, even the cold.  I am going to drink more tea, read more books, cuddle under the blankets watching Christmas movies (my yearly indulgence), get more sleep… basically, rejuvenate.  I think this shift in perception is healthy.  Why grumble and fuss about things you cannot change?  Instead, make the most of what is here.  Oh…. baking COOKIES!!  Yes!!! Let’s add that to the list!  The smell of freshly baked cookies floating through the house.  Not to mention the sheer joy of eating them.  Yum.  Perhaps a “new me” will emerge.

Yeah, probably not, but I’m okay with that.  I don’t live in a vacuum.  I acknowledge what’s going on in the world.  COVID continues to be a threat, politicians, on both sides of the isle and in-between, seem…well, nuts, social media is ridiculous, and I have no idea how it’s all going to end.  But, heck, I’m here.  Now.  Doing my best.  Respecting the views and opinions of others.  Refusing to insert myself in precarious situations.  Not shooting anyone.  Emotionally supporting family and friends.  At the end of the day, I’m not going down in history as anything other than ME.  I can live with that.  Hello, Winter.


5 responses to “Winter is Coming”

  1. jackdrumms Avatar

    That is a great way to end the year and start a new one congratulations good for you proud for you proud of you

  2. jackdrumms Avatar

    Very nice way to end the year and start the new one congratulations proud of you and proud for you

  3. David Franey Avatar
    David Franey

    not shooting anyone. Lmfao

    love this blog


  4. jackdrumms Avatar

    Nice way to end the year wonderful way to start the new year congratulations proud of you and proud for you

  5. jackdrumms Avatar

    Great writing keep up the great work

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