I know you’ve watched someone from the sidelines and thought: they have everything…I want what they have.  Maybe not ALL they are or have.  Maybe just their perfect “whatever” (body/face/relationship/job/salary/house). How do I know?  Because I haven’t met one person who hasn’t experienced this even if just for a brief moment.  A low point.  But please don’t go soft on me and pretend you’ve NEVER done that.  It’s a built-in human emotion.  We look over the fence and see a greener side (figuratively speaking), and want it.  Boom.  Envy.      


Is this bad?  Well, if your entire existence hinges on an obsession with this-or-that person, then yes, it’s bad.  Very bad.  But if you realize it for what it is, you can create opportunity out of it.  Remember, I’m a silver lining kind of girl. 


You can shift your perspective and try looking at the good in your life.  Everyone has their own cross to bear.  That includes Mr./Ms. Perfect.


Envy stems from a perceived deficiency in your own life.  A sense of inadequacy in yourself, your achievements, or your accomplishments.  Often resulting in a feeling of resentment leading to depression or self-disgust.  Instead of looking over the fence, you should take stock of what’s going on in your own yard.  Once you determine what’s really at issue you just might be surprised to learn that your yard is, or has the potential to be, just as green.  It really is about perception and YOU.  You hold the key to unlocking YOUR happiness. 



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