I thought I was being innovative when, years ago, I started using the word stick-to-itiveness but, as it turns out, the word has been around long enough to be inducted into the Urban Dictionary.  As the word implies, it has been defined as the ability to stick with a goal through to completion.  Having the fortitude to stick with something once started establishes a trackable record of character even if you veer off course before crossing the finish line.  For example, you enroll in college, take a few classes then decide it’s not for you.  Years later you find yourself back in college.  Or, you find an entirely different career path that doesn’t require a college degree and successfully pursue that.  I ardently believe you should finish what you start.  I also believe in the flexibility to change direction.  If new variables are added to an equation, recalibration is not only necessary but required.  If that holds true in math and science, why wouldn’t that same principle apply in life?  I believe it does; however, let’s get back to that trackable character you are building.  If you constantly quit what you start, never finishing anything, a definable pattern emerges.  This start, quit, start, quit paradigm establishes a flaw in your character which can, and ultimately does, create a negative impact on your life.  You may find yourself labeled as the person who never follows through.  At this point, opportunities begin to decline or dry up altogether.  It could take years to notice the negative impact but it will happen if you don’t take steps to eradicate the behavior.  Unreliable people have difficulty holding jobs and maintaining relationships.  No one wants this.  That’s why it’s important to finish what you start.  Remember, it’s okay to fail and it’s okay to change direction just don’t become a habitual quitter.


2 responses to “Stick-to-itiveness”

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    David Franey



    1. Thanks for your continued support and feedback.

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