Early Bird and Night Owl

I don’t know exactly when I first heard the phrase “early bird” or “night owl.”

But I do know they are commonly used to characterize a person that gets up early or stays up late, respectfully.  I also know that each of us readily identify as one or the other.  Although studies indicate that during a lifetime you could jump the biorhythmic fence from early bird to night owl or vice versa.  While this topic itself is fascinating, today my curiosity is focused on the origin and history of the phrases themselves.  It seems the earliest documented use of the phrase “the early bird catcheth the worm” was published in a collection of English proverbs written by John Ray in the 17th Century.      

John Ray was an English naturalist who published works on botany, zoology and theology.  A few of his more famous quotes include:

“Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality its left.”

“Nothing is invented and perfected at the same time.”

“Misery loves company.”

An interesting tidbit of history to be sure but not as salacious as the first figurative use of the phrase “night owl.” In a narrative poem, dating back to 1594 and written by William Shakespeare, “The Rape of Lucrece” tells the story of a Roman noblewoman Lucrece who is married to a soldier named Collatine.  Collatine describes his wife as beautiful and chaste to a fellow soldier named Tarquin.  Tarquin is drawn to meet Lucrece and travels to Collatine’s home where Lucrece welcomes him as a friend of her husband.  During the night, overcome with desire, Tarquin goes to Lucrece’s bedchamber and… “his guilty hand pluck’d up the latch, And with his knee the door he opens wide.  The dove sleeps fast that this night-owl will catch: Thus treason works ere traitors be espied.”

Well, as you can guess, it does not end well for poor Lucrece.

Phrases over 500 years old still recognized and used daily. Wow! What can I say… “fascinating, fun, and a little Foppi.”  😉     


2 responses to “Early Bird and Night Owl”

  1. jack fopp Avatar
    jack fopp

    I like that article. You made me smile.!

  2. David Franey Avatar
    David Franey

    Very cool, lover!


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