
I am certain at one point or another each and every person has heard the saying: there’s no such thing as a stupid question. In fact, you may even have said it yourself a time or two. Well it’s poppycock. Some questions are really, really stupid. Questions that waste the time and energy of everyone involved but most especially the person to whom the question is presented. Yeah, yeah…. I get it, the saying is supposed to encourage the quest for knowledge. If used in the correct context it may be a justified quip but honestly stupid questions try my patience. For example, you are sitting reading a book and someone, let’s say your husband… who is not blind by the way, asks, “what are you doing?” You know he sees what you are doing because he is looking directly at you. Now, keep in mind, the proper question should have been, “what are you reading?” A proper question would elicit a nice response which could result in an enjoyable conversation filled with witty banter, maybe even a flirtatious tete-a-tete. The stupid question results in a stinging reply like, “brushing my teeth” or anything other than reading a book because, well, the question was stupid. Now don’t get me wrong… I’m all about “the question.” If asked correctly, a question can provoke a confession, stimulate an imagination, or create a family. A well-delivered, thought out question is power with a capital “P”. While my example doesn’t begin to touch on the spectrum of stupid questions, I’ve made my point. Simply put, if you aren’t going to use your power wisely, zip it.


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