We read a lot about how to develop a successful competitive strategy for business but what about creating a strategy for our personal lives. If the bulk of our time is spent at work, in the pursuit of work, or thinking about work how much time do we devote to personal fulfillment? How can we develop a winning strategy for our lives outside of work? Here are some helpful tips for a happier you:
*Set aside time for yourself. Find a hobby that helps you relax and decompress. Preferably something that does not involve alcohol.
*Form friendships. Connect with people. Having solid relationships is the single most valuable contributor to happiness.
*Eliminate clutter. A cluttered house is a cluttered mind. Enough said.
*Get plenty of sleep. It’s okay to have a love affair with your bed. Sleep allows cell regeneration, reduces stress, and increases mental and physical functioning.
*Appreciate. Appreciate. Appreciate. Your family, your friends, your job, your health… all the things in your life. By focusing on being thankful and appreciative for the things you have, you have less time to complain about the things you don’t have.
*Don’t seek happiness. Let it find you.

Research shows that we take better care of ourselves and our health the happier we are. Happy trails!



One response to “Create a Happier You”

  1. David Franey Avatar
    David Franey

    Great job!


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