The Perfect Day

I have had the privilege of enjoying “the perfect day.” By my definition, a perfect day is one where nothing goes wrong… there is no bad news, no broken parts, no drama, no conflict or arguments. Just peaceful existence spent exactly the way you like. Unique to each individual, your perfect day could be spent reading, exercising, eating, walking, gaming, dancing, or any combination thereof. You are free to share it with that special someone, family, a group of people, or sans company. I suppose it could involve work if that’s how you like spending your time; however, personally, I believe the perfect day should be void of work even if the primary components of peacefulness, i.e., no bad news, broken parts, or conflict, exist.

What would your perfect day look like? Think about it. Maybe even visualize it. Doing this can help you identify some of the things you value most. We can’t have the perfect day everyday and, frankly, I don’t think we should. I mean, how would you know how to differentiate the good from the bad if everything in your life remained consistently perfect? Total perfection is an illusion. Conflict, and how you deal with it, creates challenge. Without challenge there is no growth… but you still need to carve out “you time” so that that “perfect day” comes around just often enough to recharge your energies. Lucky me… I did that today! I hope you had a perfect day too.solitary


One response to “The Perfect Day”

  1. Simple topic, but very profound. (Paradox or what?!) Most people don’t have perfect days. I have perfect days, however, now that I think about them. To me, the perfect day comes about once a year, when I’m exploring and am just so happy, I’m smiling all day that I start to look like Julia Roberts. (Wowza! I’m tearing up right now as I write this, so I’m sure I just found a profound truth about me. I’m having a God moment!) After all, there’s a saying “A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” I believe it……

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