Lakeview or Beachfront


Dog or cat? People generally fall on one side of the fence or the other, not both. Although, interestingly, a dog owner would be open to also owning a cat; whereas, 68% of cat owners would never own a dog. Certain pattern personality traits have been associated with these two groups. For example, cat people tend to live in apartments, have lower self-confidence and be more obliging. They are also more likely to live alone. Whereas, dog owners are generally married, living in a house, and engage in more social interaction. This got me to thinking… does the same theory apply to lakeview versus beachfront people? For example, my sister preferred the sounds and smells associated with the beach. While I am a mountain terrain lover. Give me a hiking trail and peaceful lakefront over the beach any day! So, here’s where the research begins. Apparently, there are definite characteristic traits for each of these groups as well. For example, mountain people tend to be more introverted, naturally reserved, and creative. Whereas, beach-babies can be restless, social butterflies, who indulge in life’s luxuries. The groups do have some overlap… they both tend to be independent, affectionate, and free-spirited. Based upon the research you may be inclined to conclude that mountain people are more likely to be cat lovers leaving the dogs to the beach. Nah, I don’t think so… it’s not that simple.

If you would like to see which you are, check out this site: or take the test at:


3 responses to “Lakeview or Beachfront”

  1. Regina Nelson Avatar
    Regina Nelson

    I love both the beach and the mountains. But only if there are very few ( or better, no people) around, other than myself and and 1 or 2 people I love to be with.

  2. jack fopp Avatar
    jack fopp

    I love both the beach and the mountains because the views on both are beautiful so I could take either one. Especially if you have someone that you love to share the views with

  3. I fall on the cat side of the fence. Because cats are better? Not really, they’re just waaay easier. I’ve been at many social events where the dog owner is like, “I gotta go. Spot has been home all day and needs to be let out.” Cat owners are more independent–as their own cats have been described. They get home when they want to get home, and most cats are really happy to see them. The lake vs. beach stereotypes are interesting. I’m an iron-clad introvert and I definitely prefer the beach. So, here we go again, stereotypes don’t mean too much. Lots to think about! Thanks, Judith.

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