Downloading Software Applications

If you own a personal computer or have a mobile device, which includes most people, you have downloaded an “app” (software application). I won’t deny the usefulness of some applications, but have we gone too far with them? For example, there is an app to “help” you monitor your baby’s feeding, pooping, and sleeping. As you know, I believe in keeping lists but, …seriously? After all, millions of babies have been born and raised without the use of an app. Here’s the thing, every time you download an app someone is collecting data from your device. This means they are gathering data on YOU.


Some only collect data they need to function; however, some may collect data that is not related to the app at all. Remember, caveat emptor (even if it is a free download). I am not advocating that you stop using apps. As I said, some are very useful. If you decide the app is beneficial to your needs be sure to read the permissions before installing. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to ask yourself: how important is this to me? Keep in mind that some applications require you to constantly input information which might eventually negate their usefulness. For more information about privacy and security concerns related to your computer and mobile devices, read the consumer protection information provided on the Federal Trade Commission’s website (  More specifically, the article entitled, “Understanding Mobile Apps.” The website also provides information on how to arm yourself against identity theft, scammers, and hackers. A very valuable resource. Check it out!


One response to “Downloading Software Applications”

  1. Regina V Nelson Avatar
    Regina V Nelson

    Yep, all true. I recommend the documentary “The Great Hack” now on Netflix. It’s about the FB/Cambridge Analytical scandal. Although politically one-sided (after all, it is FB!), it does expose what the big tech companies are up to in harvesting and monetizing our personal data without specific permission or opt-out functionality.

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