Anticipation. Good or bad? I haven’t quite made up my mind yet. Obviously if the anticipated “something” involves a long-awaited pleasurable event, like going on that much needed vacation, then good. But what if it involves something you dread? For example, finding out you are pregnant when you don’t want to be. To be clear, that’s only an example! Since anticipation is the act of thinking about a future outcome, stress may set in and, if you’re lucky, this is where hope makes an appearance to counter-balance the stress. Now you have all of these emotions swirling within you like a virtual tidal wave about to crash against the rocks. But we’re not done yet, beware the spewing droplets of trepidation. Fear that something may never happen or will happen, depending on the situation. This is why I can’t decide if I like anticipation or if I would rather avoid feeling it altogether.


Perhaps the mature way of handling anticipation is to play out both positive and negative scenarios of a situation in your head beforehand. You may be saying to yourself…that seems too much like work…perhaps even a bit of an overkill. I think not. You should be able to quickly think through different outcomes provided you (1) know yourself; (2) are honest with yourself; and, (3) are cognitively aware. In fact, these quick minded enactments will actually prepare you for how you are going to deal-in-the-real. I would like to say I have this mastered but, in deference to the number two, I’m actually still working on it but I anticipate a breakthrough any day now. 😉


One response to “Anticipation”

  1. Mermaid in the Sea Avatar
    Mermaid in the Sea

    Anticipation = Anxiety. I stopped doing it. 😉

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