Risk Taker

If someone asked me to describe myself in ten words or less โ€œrisk takerโ€ would not be on the list. I have never really considered myself to be adventurous. Although I have had aspirations of exhibiting great courage or boldness I never really thought of actually following through unless, of course, it is on behalf of someone else. Being a responsible adult does not allow the luxury of playing the odds. At least that has been my beliefโ€ฆor so I thought. Generally, I do not venture far from the beaten path. I prefer the way more traveledโ€ฆitโ€™s safer. Predictable. And, over time, offers the greater return on investment. So I was astonished when my mother told me I was a risk taker and that she wished she were more like me (at least in that regard). HomeHaving recently completed some do-it-yourself renovations on my home, I shared a few pictures with her. She was amazed and proud of me for taking risks. I thought about thatโ€ฆlet the words sink inโ€ฆand realized I actually am a risk taker. Perhaps not in the commonly conceptualized meaning. I certainly am not climbing mountains, jumping out of airplanes, or depleting my savings on a high stakes business venture. Instead I appear to have found my own brand of risk taking. I dapple in fashion with many successes as well as those unforgettable faux pas. Then there was the relocation to a neighboring city in the pursuit of higher education, which resulted in a triumphant ending, and, as heretofore stated, utilizing my creativity in home dรฉcor. And, last, but certainly not least, blogging. I have wanted to be a writer since childhood and having this venue allows that to happen on a small scale. Who knows, perhaps another triumphant ending is headed my way. Regardless, upon reflection, it appears that my mother was once again correctโ€ฆ I am a risk taker after all.


4 responses to “Risk Taker”

  1. Geo Patton Avatar
    Geo Patton

    A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.
    – Albert Einstein

    Enjoyed the post! Happy New Year

    1. What a perfect quote! As always, thanks for the support of my blog and comments ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Risk taker? My mom? Is it possible?

    I’m not sure if it is that you take risk or that you don’t seek approval for what it is you seek in life. Either way I’d say you’re incredibly bold and eccentric, which are uncommon among people that seek shelter in the norms of everyday life. Great post!

    1. A different perspective/approach to the topic. I like the way you think!!! But, of course ๐Ÿ˜‰

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