I Love Women

I am IN LOVE with one man but I love many remarkable women. I am what some, including myself, would label a “woman’s woman.” I do not have many male friends and those I do consider as such I know by way of introduction through my husband. Honestly I find it difficult and, sometimes, frustrating communicating with men. Even, on occasion, my sweet love… whom I adore. I am sure some psychological forecasting could be projected into the discussion at this point, for example, having a lack of confidence in the male gender related to trust issues… blah, blah, blah; however, I am perfectly fine with it. Blissful even. My relationships with women are an entirely different matter. I cherish the long-term friendships I am blessed to have as well as the brief encounters that made me laugh. I would be telling a lie if I said I love all women because I could enumerate an extensive list of absolutely horrible women I have had the misfortune to have met, worked with, or naively befriended only to be hurt. Although I am disappointed when that happens, I am happy to report that eventually the scales balance and right prevails. Optimistically, I refuse to have a few bad apples turn over my cart and so I continue to believe in women, especially those middle aged and older, who are teeming with wisdom, spunk, adventure, inner beauty and infinite strength all of which I would never experience if I failed to strike up that random conversation in line at Starbucks or in the doctor’s waiting room or ladies restroom or airline terminal or… you get the picture. These women are an untapped resource filled with compassion, humor, and so much more. My hope is that I provide them with even the smallest amount of wisdom, advice, laughter, or silly entertainment in return. And, if not, then perhaps I will pay it forward to the next woman I meet by happenstance or the one after that and on and on and on.


2 responses to “I Love Women”

  1. Love reading your work. Keep it coming!!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate the words of encouragement!

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