My sister and I tumbled into the practice of “The Happy” decades ago.  Some of you already know what this terminology means but for those of you who require further edification, “the happy” is a small token of affection which you, the benefactor, present to the receiver for no particular reason.  Of course there is the mutual happiness derived from the giving and receiving… the genuine enjoyment in the shared smile… thus, the name.  I am sure there are members of certain circles who would pontificate on the psychological ramifications that could be implied in the deep seeded desire that I have to buy random gifts for the people in my life.  We could also explore Gary Chapman’s “The Five Love Languages” to help identify why I take such delight in this praxis.  You know what… blah, blah, blah… I really don’t care about the why and, for once, I am not going to analyze the behavior.  For those of you who know me, this might be a first because, as a rule, I analyze, re-analyze, and over analyze just about everything.  However, in this instance, I like the practice of giving “the happy” so much that when my sister passed away I took to buying the occasional “happy” for myself.  Okay, truth… sometimes it’s more than occasional… especially if there is an incredible shoe sale.  No judgment.  Stranger yet, I have encountered some resistance from a few beneficiaries who feel uncomfortable when presented with “the happy.”  Again let’s not analyze… but to those naysayers, the troubled few, I say get over yourself because “the happy” is not tied with strings… there is no expectation of reciprocation.   Relax it’s just a happy because you’re feeling crappy… so enjoy!


2 responses to “The Happy”

  1. I have had the honor to be the proud recipient of The Happy on several occasions in over the 12 or so years that Judith and I have been close friends. In fact, I’ve adopted the practice on occasion. This practice is so very much in keeping with Judith’s generous, nurturing and joyous nature; one can’t help but find happiness in The Happy😄 so don’t shy away from The Happy, folks. In the words of Bobby McFerrin ( I know…..wait for it….) “Don’t worry, be happy!”

  2. Lucy Brewer Avatar
    Lucy Brewer

    I love your writings,l and I know “the happy” I have “the happy” – YOU Judith are sometimes “MY HAPPY” I am so very thankful that our paths have crossed and I have had the pleasure of knowing you and sharing in “the happy” with eachother

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