Love, Part 3

Today I will ease back into my six part series on LOVE by focusing on the love that flows from child-to-parent. This “love” can sometimes be a bit tricky. Why? Well, first, it is the only “love” that flows “upstream” which, in Salmon-speak, can be a bit of a battle. And, while the love from parent-to-child is, in my opinion, the most unconditional, the opposite holds true here. A child is born with certain innate expectations of his or her parents. Traditionally, these include food, clothing, and shelter. Then there is the presumptive expectation that the parent love and protect the child. Here’s where it gets tricky. Somewhere along the way, I’m not sure when, where, or why, the lines began to get blurred and children began to have an exaggerated view of what a parent’s love “looks like” or what a parent is “expected” to provide. Although there are statutes which mandate that children attend school during the formative years, there seems to be a growing number of children and, surprisingly, even parents who now believe that the requirement to educate extends to college. And, where does buying a car fit into this? Or, for that matter, all the newest technology, high-dollar fashion, and extravagant vacations? I am by no means saying there is anything wrong with giving to your children… let’s just stop blurring the lines, as it were, and acknowledge these are gifts that go well beyond the traditional and are not, nay, should not, be confused with love. Love is an intense feeling (emphasis on “feeling”) of deep affection and tenderness it is not the purchase of material things. I say we let go of the extreme and get back-to- basics… that being, honor thy father and mother (just love them!)


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